Choco Makes Ordering Online Easy!
Plus, it's Free.
Ordering online can save you valuable time by being able to place your orderin just a few clicks. Choco is also available on both desktops or mobile, allowing you freedom to place an order even when you are not in the kitchen.
Maintain Accuracy
Each customer is given a curated order guide based off of what you already order with us, this helps improve accuracy and ensure you receive exactly what you are looking for. We even send a confirmation directly to you, letting you know we have received your order.

Chat With Your Vendor
When using Choco, you will have access to a direct chat with one of Produce Express’ office staff. We are here to answer questions, change orders, or anything else you may need!
Get Started in No Time
Choco requires no setup time. Download Choco, follow the intuitive flow and you're ready to go.